DELNET maintains an online union catalogue of books available in its member-libraries. This union catalogue is continuously updated and is growing in size. The information can be retrieved by author, title, subject, conference, series, etc. It has 4,12,11,303 bibliographic records. The request for inter-library loan can be placed through the online system.
DELNET has created union lists of current periodicals in science and technology, social sciences and humanities. This database is available online to DELNET users. It now lists 1,12,779 periodicals and is regularly updated and new titles are added annually. It is a major resource for Document Delivery Services.
DELNET maintains a union catalogue of periodicals, which contains full holdings data of the libraries. At present, the database contains 63,080 records.
The database has details of articles which can be searched under the title, author, compiler, name of the periodical and subject. The database is being extensively utilised by the researchers and scholars. At present the database contains 11,24,250 records.
A bibliographic database of CD-ROMs available with the member-libraries is being compiled. It has 70,670 records.
This is a database of video cassettes available in DELNET member-libraries and has about 6,000 listings.
This union list consists of audio cassette records available in member-libraries. This database has 1,025 records.
A database of Theses and Dissertations submitted to Indian Universities has been started, which covers various subjects. The database has 1,48,995 records
The database has 70 records and contains information about the newspapers including title, name of the editor, published from, E-mail address and also the Web address of the INTERNET edition if available on the WWW.
It has nearly 1613 records.
A directory of member-libraries is available and contains information about them.
Provide access to DELNET Union Catalogues and other Database to Member-Libraries.
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Click here..Provide access to DELNET Union Catalogues and other Database to Member-Libraries.
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