ICRL 2018

International Conference on Reshaping Libraries:
Emerging Global Technologies and Trends
February 1-3, 2018 | Jaipur, Rajasthan, India

Venue: Hotel Royal Orchid, Jaipur

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  • February 1, 2018 (Thursday) 


    Inaugural Address by the Chief Guest Prof.  R. L.  Raina, Vice-Chancellor, J.K. Lakshmipat University, Jaipur (PPT File) 


    Technical Session I  : Reshaping Libraries 

    Chair : Dr. R. K. Chaddha, Former Addl. Secy, Parliament Library 

    Keynote Invited Paper 1 : Emerging Global Trends: What is Relevant to Libraries and Why Should it Matter to You  by Anjana H. Bhatt,  University Librarian, Florida Gulf  Coast University, Florida,  USA (PPT File)      


    WhiteCode - Digital Mobile Library Solution Provider (PPT File)

    Technical Session II :  Digital Innovations and Technologies in Libraries 

    Chair      :    Dr. Bernd Markscheffel, Germany

    Co-Chair  :   Mr. N. K. Wadhwa, CSIR-NPL, New Delhi 

    Keynote Invited Paper 1 : Information Discovery Based on the Emerging Technology to Analyse Digital Images by Prof. Paul Nieuwenhuysen, Vrije Universateit, Brussel, Belgium (PPT File)               

    Keynote Invited Paper 2 : S&T Development Strategies to Meet the Challenges of Emerging Technologies by Prof. (Dr.) Vladimir Zavarukhin, Director, ISSRAS Moscow, Russia (PPT File)               

    Keynote Invited Paper 3 : New Directions in Discovery by Athena Hoeppner, Discovery Services Librarian, Univ. of Central Florida, Orlando, USA   (PPT File)

    Keynote Invited Paper 4 : Memory of Dr. Eugene Garfield by Dr. Hildrun Kretschmer  and Theo Kretschmer, COLLNET Centre, Germany (PPT File)


    Paper 5 : Digitisation of Cultural Heritage Information Resources at Nehru Memorial Museum and Library, New Delhi, India: A Case study by Dr. Ajit Kumar, Library & Information Officer,  NMML, New Delhi (PPT File)               

    Paper 6 : The Implementation of Information Technology  Infrastructure  in Archival Management System at Municipal Archives of Palembang, Indonesia: Analysis Based on Read & Giin Life Circle by Rusmiatiningsih, LIS Department, UIN Raden Fatah Palembang, Indonesia (PPT File)             


     Technical Session III : Cooperation and Networking for Building Collections and Connections

    Chair      :    Dr. H. K. Kaul, DELNET

    Co-Chair  :   Mr. Samuel Ernest  J, Ambedkar University, Delhi

    Keynote Invited Paper 1 : Big Data Watch: Introducing 'National Income Statistics' to the Librarians by  Dr P. R. Goswami, Former Director (Library and Information), IGNCA & CSL (Govt. of India), New Delhi and Dr P. K. Jain, Librarian, Institute of Economic Growth, University of Delhi Enclave, Delhi (PPT File)

    Keynote Invited Paper 2 :  Cooperation and Networking of Libraries through DELNET: The Indian Experience by Dr. Sangeeta Kaul,  Network Manager, DELNET (PPT File)

    Paper 3 :  Effectiveness of Library Promotion Through Instagram  at the Library of the Sunan KalijagaYogyakarta, by Sri Andayani, LIS, UIN Sunan, Kalijaga Yogyakarta, Indonesia  (PPT File)              


    February 2, 2018  (Friday)

    Technical Session  IV : Managing Knowledge & Change in Libraries    

    Chair      :    Mrs. Anjana H. Bhatt, USA

    Co-Chair     :   Mr. Nurdin Laugu, Indonesia

    Keynote Invited Paper 1 :  Planning for Change Management in Special Libraries: Case Studies of Combining Two Libraries in Iran by  Dr. Mohsen Haji Zenolabedini, Assistant Professor, Information Science and Knoweldge Department, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran; Dr. Leila Maktabifard, Persian Language Specialist, International Youth Library (IYL), Munich, Germany  and Dr. Abdoulrasoul Khosravi, Medical University of Boushehr, Boushehr, Iran    (PPT File)               

    Keynote Invited Paper 2 : Digitisation Sharing in the Canton of Jura, Switzerland  by Dr. Jean-Marc Comment, Project Manager, SIGMA, Cultural Office Conton of Jurich, Switzerland  (PPT File)               

    Keynote Invited Paper 3 : International  Cooperation Among Libraries: The  Role of Knowledge Centers  by Dr. H. K. Kaul, Director, DELNET, New Delhi (PPT File)               

    Paper 4 : Modes of Information Services and Resources in Libraries of Engineering Colleges of Rajasthan by Dr. Pradeep Kumar, Librarian, Govt. Women Polytechnic College, Jaipur (PPT File)              


    Technical Session V : Global Trends in Managing Human Resource in Libraries 

     Chair      :  Dr. P. R. Goswami

    Co-Chair    :    Dr. Parveen Babbar, Deputy Librarian, JNU, New Delhi


    Keynote Invited Paper  1: Education in Library and Information Science (LIS) Results of Case Studies in the Special Field of Informetrics by Bernd Markscheffel,  Chair of Information and Knowledge Management, Faculty of Economics and Media, Technische Universität Ilmenau, Germany and Yuan Sun and Masaki Nishizawa, Asstt. Prof, Information and Society Research Division, National Institute of Informatics,  Tokyo,  Japan (PPT File)

    Keynote Invited Paper 2 : Communicating Our Value as Health Information Professionals: Are We Worth it? by Nalini Mahajan, Medical Library Director & Web Master, Marianjoy Rehabilitation Hospital, Wheaton, Illinois, USA  (PPT File)

    Keynote Invited Paper 3 : Between Imaging Politics and Professional Culture in Managing  Islamic University Libraries in Yogyakarta: An Analytical Study of Inclusive Leadership by Dr. Nurdin Laugu, Lecturer, LIS Dept, Faculty of Adab &  Humanities, UIN Sunan Kalijaga, Yogyakarta, Indonesia   (PPT File)

    Paper 4 :  Meeting LIS Competencies to Serve Inclusive Community Through Curriculum:  Case Study in LIS Study Programme, UIN Sunan Kalijaga, Yogyakarta, Indonesia  by Marwiyah, Library and Information Study Program, UIN Sunan Kalijaga, Yogyakarta, Indonesia (PPT File)


    Technical Session VI :  Library User Engagements & Services

    Chair      :    Ms. Padmaja Muralidharan, Sr. Librarian, NTU, Singapore

    Co-Chair  :    Mr. Deep Singh, Librarian, MNIT, Jaipur


    Keynote Invited Paper 1 : Promoting Library Services in the Academic World by

    Dr. Labibah Zain, President, SLA (Asian Chapter)  (PPT File)

    Paper 2 : The Pattern of Utilization of Digital Collection and its Level of Usability in Electronic Repository at University Library of  Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) by Dr. Nurdin Laugu, Lecturer, LIS Dept, Faculty of Adab &  Humanities, UIN Sunan Kalijaga, Yogyakarta, and Arina Faila Saufa, LIS Dept, UIN Sunan Kalijaga, Yogyakarta, Indonesia  (PPT File)               

    Paper 3 :  Service Quality in Academic Libraries: Case Studies from Delhi  by  Dr. K. Madhavan (GIBS, New Delhi); Sangeeta Narang (AIIMS, New Delhi); Neha Chandel  (FIIB, New Delhi)  and  Jyoti Sharma (GIBS, New Delhi)  (PPT File)               

    Paper 4 : Users’ Study and Expectations in an Engineering College Library in Batanagar, a Town Situated in Extended Kolkata: A Case Study by  Dr. Lopita Mukherjee, Librarian, St. John's Diocesan Girl's Higher Secondary School, Kolkata.  (PPT File)               

    Paper 5 : Revitialisation of Alternative Library, Yogyakarta, Indonesia by Okky Rizkyantha, Hadira Latiar and Fuad Wahyu Prabowo, LIS Department, UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta, Indonesia   (PPT File)